Ce inseamna ” Eu asa sunt” ?

boxbrainAti auzit ca si mine de multe ori de la cei din jur formularea ” Eu asa sunt „.

As vrea sa ma concentrez pe semantica aceste afirmatii, sau mai bine zis Non-Afirmatii Cred ca sunteti de acord cu mine ca de fapt ea vorbeste despre un drum mic ce se termina intr-un zid, nu de un drum deschis la descoperire.

Daca tentam un pic imaginatia ajungem la concluzia ca X, sa-i spunem, isi simte limitele intr-o anume situatie. Evident ca e mai usor sa punem cauzele in afara noastra, decat sa ni le asumam. Asa ca, X, cu mare dibacie, reuseste sa creada ca aceasta Eticheta ar fi o virtute.

Creierul uman isi ia deciziile despre comportamente devreme in viata, pana in adolescenta. X, a avut o experienta neplacuta in copilarie, cum poate ni s-a intamplat multora, ca un adult sa tipe la el sau sa ii dea directive. Evident ca nimanui  nu ii place sa fie patronat. La momentul acela, mintea micutului X nu putea abstractiza realitatea, si a decis ca daca plange, sau tipa, sau are alta reactie petru a-si manifesta frustrarea, va fi auzit, iar cauza disconfortului lui va inceta. A invatat ca in orice situatie care nu ii convine, daca reactioneaza ca la varsta de 3 ani, imbufnandu-se, el ar fi gasit solutia…

In mod normal, in timp, invatam ca in spatele oricaror situatii sau comportamente exista Mii de Motive, cum imi spunea medicul meu acupunctor.  Prin urmare, mintea ar trebui sa fie capabila sa discearna, ca solutia pe care a gasit-o prima data la varsta dintre plans si limbaj, nu mai e utila, si ca ea trebuie inlocuita cu o suita de rationamente, inainte de a reactiona.

Aflam din literatura de specialitate, ca in cartea-studiu „Rewire” ( Recableaza/ reconecteaza) scrisa de Richard O’Connor, ca daca e foarte bun la ceva creierul nostru, este la a crea Scurtaturi.  

Scurtaturile ne ajuta sa ne construim automatisme cum ar fi mersul, limbajul, sa ajungem pe drumul cel  mai scurt de la serviciu acasa, s.a.m.d. Dar ele pot fi si o piedica si o mare capcana in imbogatirea experientelor vietii, pentru ca din comoditate, creierul nu vrea sa isi formeze deprinderi, idei noi, chiar daca observa cele vechi ii aduc din ce in ce mai des nemultumiri.

Asa ca, X, intra intr-o relatie amoroasa la 17 ani, apoi in alta la 24, apoi in alta la 32, apoi face cum face, se casatoreste, iar aproape de 40 de ani , cand e nevoie de participarea sa spontana intr-o situatie urgenta , face surpiza auditoriului spunand ca el, X nu primeste comenzi. X suparat ca a fost deranjat in zona lui de confort, isi incruciseaza bratele si fumeaza nervos o tigara, orbit de nedreptatea ce i s-a facut. El nu reuseste sa iasa din pozitia copilului de 3 ani si sa particularizeze episoadele din viata sa, pentru a reactiona util, in situatia data.

Unii vad asta si imbratiseaza cu bucurie noutatea in viata lor, reusesc sa empatizeze cu cei din jur, iar altii alearga in lungul si-n latul etichetei lor, fara sa isi dea sansa de a invata lucruri noi , si de a intra in armonie cu cei din jur.

Intrebarea, dragi prieteni, este :

„Alegem sa avem mereu dreptate, sau sa fim buni si sa construim ?”



How to Not Help People …


The other day I was talking to a dear friend. She was complaining about her brother who had just visited her (mostly because he wanted to see a football match in town… but I might be wrong, it could have been because he wanted to see his sister as wel…).

I’m having doubts because you know most teenagers… they do things On their Own, For Their own…

She would bend head over heels to give him a nice stay in her beautiful town by the sea. He was always in discontept. He would criticize her for trying to have him do things her way, associating her behavior to their mom’s. Whom, by the way, in his vision, was the worst mom possibe, that she had ruined his life, that she was always judging him and how she never understood him or let him be. ( the image I had while hearing this story was the one of a teen, slamming the door of his room )

As my friend she considered her parents to be ideal, she got angry and started lecturing him ( it wasn’s a matter of being right or wrong, it was a matter of perspective and, each one of these two brothers had a total anatgonistic one ).  The brother left town that day, slamming is sister’s door, while shouting from the hall ” F*** OFF !!!”

Now, she wanted  to help him, trying to help their mother too, who was despreate as her son was constantly pushing her away and also doing self distructive actions in is own life.

My friend felt cought in the middle of the mother-son complex and I could feel her dispair and that she had reached her limits trying to figure out a way to see everyone happy.

WHat do you tell a friend who comes to you for help ?

First, if you are not educated in this field, I believe it’s for the best not to give any advice. Then, if you really don’t have a choice, but you don’t want to sound judgemental or be dismissive ( cause they would’t stop complainig ), try a metafore .

I compaired her impulse of helping both her brother and their mom, with a battle. I asked her if she felt equiped, armed for such a fight, and what her weapons and strategies were. ( in my humile experience with peopole, a question is always better than an advice, because our brain is forced to  look up for solutions and get out of the complaining circle ).

In that moment I could hear my friend breathing in releif. It was that. She had no knoledge on how to do that and not to get hurt in the process.

What good a soldier who choses to jump between 2 bullets without any shield ?

To get close to the end of my story, I have to mention that the brother is 38 years old, and has a toddler son whom he sees every now and then. If I wouldn’t have told you his age, how old would you think he was ?

In my opinion we have no place in atacking these people, because they are allready wounded. The only help is the specialized one they could get themselves.

If they don’t want to be the conductor of their own life, we sure cannot be that one.

The brother, in a very deep unthought way, let the teenager from inside shout a scream in the attempt of freing himself : F*** OFF ! ( because it is only and only his business )